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Alumni Awards

The Alumni Association Board of Directors is honored to recognize the contributions of distinguished alumni, faculty members, and members of the Beloit community when those contributions lead to the betterment of society and to the enhancement of the College and its mission.

2024 Alumni Award recipients with President Eric and Julie Boynton.

Congratulations to our 2024 recipients:

Distinguished Service Citation

Young Alumni Award

Joe Kobylka’51 Alumni Award

Distinguished Service Citation (DSC)

Awarded to alumni on the basis of overall achievements, personal growth in career, and outstanding civic, cultural, and professional / business service in such ways as to reflect credit on Beloit College.

Chosen by the Alumni Association Board of Directors and presented on campus during Reunion each year.

Restrictions: If selected, recipients will be awarded during their 25th, 40th or 50th reunion, though nominations never expire. Nominations may also include alumni who are no longer with us.

2025 Nomination Deadline: January 31, 2025

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Young Alumni Award (YAA)

Awarded annually to a Beloit College alum who, in the decade after graduation, has put Beloit’s principles into practice. 

Chosen by the Alumni Association Board of Directors and presented on campus during Reunion each year.

Restrictions: If selected, recipients will be awarded during their 10th reunion, though nominations never expire. Nominations may also include alumni who are no longer with us.

2025 Nomination Deadline: January 31, 2025

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Joe Kobylka’51 Alumni Award

Named in honor Joe Kobylka of the class of 1951, this award recognizes alumni for loyal service rendered to Beloit College, to the recipient’s class, or to the alumni body in general through the Alumni Association, through an affiliated alumni group and/or through direct assistance to various College offices, departments, and individuals.

Nomination Deadline: None. This award may be voted on by the Alumni Association Board of Directors or given at the discretion of appropriate College officials at virtually any alumni function either on or off campus at any time.

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Honorary Alumnus/Alumna

Awarded by the Alumni Association Board of Directors, based on nominations received by any interested parties (not restricted to alumni). Candidates for honorary membership in the Beloit College Alumni Association must meet at least two of the following requirements:

  • Longevity of College service
  • Service to the Alumni Association
  • Exceptional service to the College (e.g, instrumental in the direction of the College, recognition as an outstanding educator, etc.)

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Athletic Hall of Honor

Awarded to athletes, non-athletes, and coaches, based on athletic achievements, moral character, good citizenship, and other outstanding accomplishments. Restrictions:

  • Alumni who were athletic letter winners as reflected in official College records only. (This criterion may be waived if the College did not offer an intercollegiate program appropriate to the nominee when they were a student.) 10 full years must have lapsed since the athlete last participated in athletics at, or was a student at, Beloit College.
  • Nominations of non-athletes and coaches will be considered after five years since their service to Beloit College.

Recipients are chosen by a committee chaired by the Beloit College Athletic Director.

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